jHost News Archives

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A Few Free CDNs to Increase Loading Speed

Posted (11 years ago).

You’ve heard about us talking about how Content Delivery Networks (or CDNs) increase page loading speed, but did you know there are a handful of free ones out there that host some of the more popular libraries like Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery and Font Awesome?  Well, there are. 

5 Tools to Increase Page Loading Speed

Posted (11 years ago).

Site speed can be an important search engine optimization benchmark, and it can greatly affect the amount of time visitors spend on your site. The faster your pages load, the better.  ITworld’s Jim Lynch shows us his top 5 free tools to improve your website’s page load speed.

Google PageSpeed Tools

Posted (12 years ago).

Fast and optimized pages lead to higher visitor engagement, retention, and conversions. The Google PageSpeed family of tools is designed to help you optimize the performance of your website.