jHost News Archives

Good stuff.

Why Fast Web Hosting is Critical for Businesses

Posted (11 years ago).

Fast web hosting might be something quite overrated. It’s also pretty confusing. There’s all these abbreviations; VPS, Shared, Cloud, dedicated, semi-dedicated, and more. Why does it matter and what questions should you ask?

5 Reasons Visitors Leave Your Website

Posted (11 years ago).

We live in an era of “skimming” and in a time where information is far from scarce, keeping the visitors enticed enough to stay on a website for more than a few seconds is hard. It can be a struggle to convince visitors that their time on your site will be worthwhile.

How to speed up WordPress

Posted (11 years ago).

Google has thrown the challenge down by considering website loading speeds when determining search engine rankings.  After all, NOBODY likes a slow loading website.  If you’re as addicted to speed and the code poetry that is WordPress, here’s how you can have both. 

Cometrics Finds jHost 40% Faster than Others

Posted (11 years ago).

jHost recently published web hosting performance testing data comparing (as scientifically as we could) jHost to the big guys, like 1&1, HostGator, and GoDaddy.  Today, Cometrics picked up the story and wrote an article re-testing our data.  How’d we do? 

What is a Content Delivery Network?

Posted (11 years ago).

A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers across the globe. Their real value comes when you think about latency–or the time it takes for your information to be delivered hundreds or thousands of miles away from your actual web server. 

5 Tools to Increase Page Loading Speed

Posted (11 years ago).

Site speed can be an important search engine optimization benchmark, and it can greatly affect the amount of time visitors spend on your site. The faster your pages load, the better.  ITworld’s Jim Lynch shows us his top 5 free tools to improve your website’s page load speed.