jHost News Archives

Good stuff.

jHost Billing Portal Upgrade

Posted (8 years ago).

We’ve recently completed a total overhaul and upgrade to our billing portal (jhost.co/my/).  The new system is faster, more reliable, and more secure than ever.  We’re thrilled.  We think our customers will be too. The upgrade, originally announced on the billing portal itself on April 11th, was slated for completion by the end of April. 

Friday the 13th: 8 Bad Things That Won’t Happen at jHost

Posted (11 years ago).

Today is Friday the 13th and we thought we’d run down the list of 8 scary things that won’t happen to jHost customers. 

WordPress Pocket Security Book from iThemes

Posted (11 years ago).

Worried that you might not be taking all the basic steps to secure your WordPress site? A new eBook from iThemes covers simple WordPress security tips for keeping your site safe from hackers; including 3 kinds of security your site needs and 4 best security practices.