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What’s your ProScore?

Posted (11 years ago).

Born out of the need for a simple, unbiased answer to an equally simple question: ‘how well built is my website?’, ProScore (although still in its BETA phase) is the way to find out. 

ProScore was born out of a frustration shared by many a business owner. Whether your site was built by a fancy-shmancy agency, some company out of India or by some guy working out of his mother’s basement, what you want to know is, how well built is my site?!

The program runs over a hundred tests for the most common errors, mistakes and not-so-best practices. Together the test give a pretty good (it’s still in BETA) indication of how stable, search engine friendly, and well designed the site is. No test is perfect, but if your site isn’t scoring as well as you think it should, consider showing the report to your developer. Maybe it’s an easy fix or maybe you need to find a new developer. Either way, you’ll know what you don’t know.

ProScore Credit & Blame

ProScore, it’s algorithm and it’s reports were all written from scratch by the team at JDM, a Dallas digital agency, as “just one of those side-projects.” That’s not to say we didn’t have a little help.

A special thanks to the developers of jQuery UI, Google Charts, PHP manual, Oooff.com, and Dwamian McLeish.