jHost Nominated for a WOTD Award
Posted (10 years ago).
We’re thrilled to announce that, thanks to a ton of great work from our digital agency partners, jHost has been nominated for Website of the Day (WOTD) by the CSS Design Awards.
Cometrics Finds jHost 40% Faster than Others
Posted (11 years ago).
jHost recently published web hosting performance testing data comparing (as scientifically as we could) jHost to the big guys, like 1&1, HostGator, and GoDaddy. Today, Cometrics picked up the story and wrote an article re-testing our data. How’d we do?
jHost in BETA
Posted (11 years ago).
As of this morning, jHost is officially in its BETA phase. We’ll be taking on a few, select customers as BETA testers to make sure everything with our new hosting system works as smooth as silk.
jHost, LLC Incorporation
Posted (11 years ago).
All of us at jHost are pleased as punch to announce we’re now incorporated under the name, “jHost, LLC.” Now, anybody who’s ever started a company will tell you that’s the easy part. Well, we’re just getting warmed up.